Tekalign Mamo
Professor Tekalign Mamo, distinguished soil scientist and former Ethiopian State Minister of Agriculture has been awarded the 2016 IFA Norman Borlaug Award for his outstanding contribution to improving soil health and natural resources bases in Ethiopia, benefitting over 11 million smallholder farmers.
Since 2005, through a national initiative that Professor Mamo spearheaded, Ethiopia has rehabilitated more than 15 million hectares of degraded land through a community based watershed development strategy. Professor Mamo is also responsible for conceiving and recommending soil fertility survey of agricultural land, an initiative that is known by the name the Ethiopian Soil Information System (EthioSIS), the most advanced soil fertility mapping exercise on the African continent.
“I am honoured to receive this award, and am proud Ethiopia’s leadership in addressing soil health issues is being recognised internationally,” comments Professor Mamo. “Much remains to be done to continue Ethiopia’s transformation and lift even more people out of poverty, but an accolade such as this serves as encouragement to continue this important journey by fellow citizens and African colleagues.” Read our full press release here.
Prof. Tekalign Mamo in the News
Reuters - 18 June 2016
Soil fertility information is transforming agriculture in Ethiopia
By Tekalign Mamo
The Guardian - 18 May 2016
We must rebuild farmers' resilience after Ethiopia's catastrophic El Niño
By Tekalign Mamo