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21 Nov 2023

Plant nutrients can alleviate chronic and hidden hunger

In this episode, Sarah Wettstadt discusses with Patrick Brown and Fang-Jie Zhao how responsible plant nutrition can improve the health of people and alleviate hunger on our planet.

About the guest speakers

Dr. Patrick Brown is the Professor of Plant Nutrition at the University of California, Davis – USA. Dr. Brown is recognized globally as a leader in both basic and applied plant nutrition research with notable research contributions to the function, transport and management of plant metals as well as foliar fertilization, salinity and biostimulants.
Dr. Fang-Jie Zhao is a Professor at the College of Resources and Environmental Sciences at Nanjing Agricultural University, China. He leads a research group focusing on the biogeochemistry of essential micronutrients and toxic metals in soil-plant systems, mechanisms of trace element uptake by plants, biofortification of essential micronutrients and bioremediation.